Movie Gossip

Top Stars To Become Richer With 'AI Deep-Fakes' In Films

Top Stars To Become Richer With 'AI Deep-Fakes' In Films

Top stars of Bollywood are indeed struggling a lot to maintain their physique, find opportunities, work hard, and await results. 

All that they can do is one or two films at the most in a year. But the deep-fake videos being generated and posted online are giving them new ideas.

It is indeed true that actors or actresses hold the copyright to their faces and they have every right to sell it for a fee. 

So, instead of doing one or two films in a year, what if they do 50 or more films annually? Yes, it is through AI support and deepfakes. 

All that the producers need to do is get the work done by any lookalikes of these actors and actresses and later replace the face of the top stars they desire for a nominal fee. For instance, if a top star charges Rs 150 Cr per film, he can now charge only Rs 15 Cr for doing nothing. 

By doing so, the producers can acquire the face of a top star for a lower price, and the actors also need not work on the sets but simply relax at home while receiving royalties for their face in multiples of Rs 15 Cr which may end up many times higher than what they are earning now.

Will this work? If it does, how long? That's a different question. But this is indeed a quick-buck idea for top stars, and we need to see who comes forward first to sell his or her face for a fee to get the deep-fake done officially.