Political News

Why The BJP is Frustrated With Kejriwal.?

Why The BJP is Frustrated With Kejriwal.?

Recently, the BJP has said that anyone who votes for AAP is indirectly voting for Pakistan. 

On the face of it, this seems to be a rather confounding and unfair allegation. But there at least is a reason behind the frustration of the BJP.

In 2020, when there was a heated battle for Delhi, Pakistan Minister Fawad Hussain had supported Kejriwal to which the latter had responded saying, “Narendra Modi is India's Prime Minister. He is my Prime Minister as well. Delhi Election is India's internal matter, and we won't tolerate interference of the supporters of terrorism," he tweeted in Hindi. "Pakistan can try as much as they want, but it cannot attack the unity of our country," he added.

This master stroke by Kejriwal projected the image of a person who came across as someone patriotic and unwilling to let the enemy benefit from his political rivalry with Narendra Modi. Kejriwal won the election.

Now, the same scenario is being played out again. After casting his vote, Kejriwal remarked that he had voted against ‘dictatorship’. 

Ex-Pakistan minister Fawad Chaudhry, while sharing it, wrote 'May peace defeat forces of hate'. 

Kejriwal responded saying, “Chaudhary sahib, myself and the people of my country are fully capable of handling our issues. We don’t need your tweet. Currently, the situation in Pakistan is very bad. You handle your country.” 

He further added, “The elections being held in India is our internal matter. India will not tolerate the interference of the biggest sponsor of terrorism.”

Once again, Kejriwal came out with flying colours.

Is it any wonder then that the BJP is frustrated with the man?