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Doordarshan Also Introduces Its AI Anchors

Doordarshan Also Introduces Its AI Anchors

These are the days where almost every channel is introducing their AI anchors. Now Doordarshan, the government run TV channel also follows the suit. 

Doordarshan Kisan, the government channel dedicated to agricultural content has unveiled a fresh new look and introduced two innovative AI anchors named 'Krish' and 'Bhoomi'. These AI anchors are destined to deliver information to farmers across India.

Krish and Bhoomi are capable of speaking in approximately 50 different languages which is an added advantage. This is to communicate effectively with farmers from diverse linguistic backgrounds. 

Many in Doordarshan feel that the use of AI anchors is a giant leap towards modernizing agricultural communication blending traditional broadcasting with cutting edge technology. 

At the same time there are also fears an threats among other anchors if their jobs would be at risk in near future. 

Doordarshan Kisan which was first launched in May 2015 aims to provide farmers with real time information enabling them to take timely and informed decisions about their agricultural practices. 

The channel's goal is to support the agricultural community by delivering up to date content that addresses their needs and concerns.

In fact, AI anchors never ask for leave and never complain working extra hours. Moreover no salary can be paid to them. 

Even the back end human brains that work initially are to be paid and eventually, the AI anchors function on their own, as per AI technicians who comment about this development.