India News

Modi calls Congress anti-Hindu, anti-Ram

Modi calls Congress anti-Hindu, anti-Ram

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going all out to project the Congress in general and Rahul Gandhi in particular as anti-Hindu, as they are supporting the reservations to the Muslims in various states.

Addressing a public meeting at Narayanpet in Telangana on Friday, the Prime Minister reiterated that the Congress hates Hindus and wants to make them second-class citizens in their own country.

"The Congress hated Hindus and Hindu festivals so much. This is becoming evident every day. The leader who gave tuition to Shehzada (the prince) has also said that the Ram temple should not have been built in Ayodhya. He announced that building the Ram temple and celebrating Ram Navami is anti-India and against the idea of India," he pointed out.

Stating that the Congress had called him anti-national when he had visited the temple, Modi alleged that the Congress wants to make Hindus second-class citizens in their own country.

“Do these people want to establish Aurangzeb's rule in India? Is this why they are talking about vote jihad?” he added.

He charged the Congress with dividing the country based on religion and caste. The Congress's real agenda is to appease certain communities for political gains, without considering the welfare of the nation.

“The Congress is trying to give reservation based on religion to Muslims instead of SCs, STs and OBCs. The Congress knows that reservations based on religion are anti-constitutional. It also knows that Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar opposed it,” he said, adding no one could snatch the rights of weaker sections under Modi's guardianship.