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Pakistan Crying: 200% Duty On Imports To India

Pakistan Crying: 200% Duty On Imports To India

Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar stated that trade between Islamabad and New Delhi has been halted since 2019 because India imposed high duties on Pakistani imports after the Pulwama attack. 

Dar, also the deputy prime minister, explained in a written response to the National Assembly that India imposed a 200 percent duty on Pakistani imports and suspended the Kashmir bus service and Line of Control trade after the attack. 

This response was to a query by PPP lawmaker Sharmila Faruqui about trade issues with neighboring countries, especially India.

In March, Dar mentioned in London that Pakistan's business community was eager to resume trade with India but his office clarified that Pakistan has no plans to restart trade which has been inactive since 2019. 

Pakistan downgraded ties with India after India's Parliament revoked Article 370 on August 5th 2019, a move that Islamabad felt harmed the prospects for dialogue. 

Dar stressed Pakistan's call for constructive engagement and dialogue to resolve issues including Jammu and Kashmir and said the responsibility lies with Delhi to create a conducive environment for peace and talks.

India has stated it wants normal relations with Pakistan but insists Islamabad must ensure an environment free of terror and hostility. 

Relations between the two countries have long been strained mainly due to the Kashmir conflict and cross border terrorism from Pakistan.